This is one of the most dreaded parts of the holiday season. We go into it knowing that our children’s sleep schedules will be affected. Eating habits tend to change, there’s constant stimulation from activities and festivities, and visiting with family can bring out new behavior. Honestly, this list could go on for a while. There is a way to enjoy the holiday season without completely derailing all the hard work you have put into your bedtime routine.
Discuss Upcoming Activities
Clearly explain your upcoming events to your children. Children operate best when they can predict what is going to happen. Curve balls to their routine can throw them off in a negative way. If you are going to be staying out later than usual, let your child know. Explain how their bedtime routine will look different.
Allow For Daytime Sleep
If your child is missing out on sleep that they would normally get at night, carve out a part of the day for them to get the extra rest that they need. For kids who refuse to nap, have them do “quiet time” where their body can at least rest. You can also try to let them sleep in a little longer than normal in the morning or take a longer than usual nap.
Simplify Your Bedtime Routine
Bedtime routines vary from family to family. On late nights, have alternatives in mind for a faster bedtime routine. You can sing songs instead of reading books. You may do a wipe down with a warm washcloth instead of a bath. You can also try talking to your little one about substitutes that they would like. This can help them feel involved and not completely out of control of what should be a peaceful and predictable part of their day.
Stick To Bedtime Within An Hour of Normal Bedtime
Try your hardest to schedule evening activities and meals so that you can stick to a bedtime within an hour of your child’s normal bedtime. You want to avoid your child becoming overtired and bedtime turning into a total disaster. Another issue you might run into with late bedtimes is your child waking up earlier than normal. This means they are missing sleep on both ends of their sleeping window which creates an even more overtired child.
Know that you can reach out to us for help setting healthy boundaries and temporary routines around the holidays. Sleep training is something that is challenging and that takes consistency. There are ways to be flexible so that your family can enjoy the variety of festivities that the holidays bring.
Virtual Sleep Consultant
Having a sleep plan in place and personalized care is what we at Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby are known for. Call or email us to get started on your sleep training journey today! We work with families all over the world! We are personally located in Denver, Aurora, Arvada, Englewood, Kansas City & Fort Worth Texas!