Kandra sitting with fist to chin

Work directly with founder and CEO,

Kandra Becerra

I know how tired you are. I know exactly how it feels because I have been where you are right now and I am here to share that there is hope!

Over the last 7 years, I have helped over 1,000 families find gentle sleep solutions that work. The methods I use have been proven to consistently bring about the same results; I know exactly what to do to help your little one(s) – and you! – get the rest you so desperately need! When I walk beside you through the process of helping your child – and your entire family – sleep soundly, you won’t be second-guessing yourself anymore. Together, we’ll find the best solution that works for your family so you can experience success. I can’t wait to meet you!

MOST HSA/FSA accounts accepted

What my package includes:

As a sleep consultant, getting to know every detail of my client’s needs is imperative in determining the appropriate steps needed to improve a child’s sleep habits. This evaluation is child- focused, holistic and tells me everything I need to know to formulate a sleep plan specifically for your child.

Pediatric sleep is a loaded topic, to say the least! I will go over exactly why your child is struggling to sleep (hello, not having to Google anymore!) I am a firm believer in teaching my families WHY we are doing something, before I explain the HOW. I will then walk you through your child’s sleep plan step by step. You will feel empowered to embark on your new sleep training journey.

This is where my success and true customizing comes in. These calls are about 15 minutes. A sleep plan is a nice starting place, but these calls are essential for answering all of your questions and making sure everyone is staying on track.

Voxer is a great app where you can text me anytime (I respond within my business hours.) You can also use the “walkie-talkie” feature. This is great for my busy parents who don’t have time to sit down to type out a formal email. If we don’t have a call scheduled for a few days, help is always at your fingertips! Struggling with a nap? Want to ensure baby’s awake time is correct? I am here for you!

Your child’s sleep plan will cover everything including, all feeding aspects, bedtime routine, bedtime, night wakings, early morning wake ups, naps, short naps and everything in between! You will never guess if you are doing something incorrectly at 2am. Your preliminary evaluation and our Discovery call combined allow me to make your child’s sleep plan.

So your child has mastered healthy sleep habits. What about the future? During our time together we cover everything from sickness, nap transitions, traveling, time change and so much more! Everything you need to continue the skills learned during sleep training.

Worried about crying? Did something unexpected happen? You can feel totally prepared for everything. And then something throws you off night 1. That is why being available for bedtime support night 1 of my clients sleep training journey is so important to me! You hired me as your sleep consultant, but really it’s the coaching that is so important.

Maybe something in your child’s room is keeping them from sleeping better? We will go through each detail needed to make your child’s room a perfect sleeping environment.

Sleep Package Price: $645

What can you expect from our sleep packages?

After your discovery call it is time to book your consultation! Your consultant will give you the soonest times they have available to book your private 90 minute consultation. Once that is confirmed, your paperwork will be emailed to you. This includes your child’s in-dept questionnaire, a client agreement and an invoice that you can pay via credit card. These items are due 48 hours prior to your consultation time. Make sure you have a full 2 (ideally 3 weeks) before any sort of traveling will happen once you start sleep training. Lastly, don’t change anything with your child’s sleep. Keep rocking, bouncing, snuggling etc. the last thing we want is your child confused before we start working together. Don’t worry, we will get right to work night 1 of working together. Until then, everyone should try to get as much sleep as possible – Then do your happy dance, sleep is on its way!

You will be working very closely with your sleep consultant during your time together. You will have follow up calls every few days for the first couple of weeks. This is where we can answer all of your questions, discuss your concerns and make any necessary changes. We will also send you a very easy to fill out, sleep log. This allows us to know exactly how your child has been doing before our calls. This also ensures that your tired brain doesn’t have to recite the details that all seem to blur together! Daily Voxer exchanges are a great way to get all of your questions answered, even when you don’t have a follow up call that day.

Our take on sleep training

Let’s talk about “sleep training” as you’ll see this wording throughout our website. We often use “sleep training” because it’s a familiar phrase for many families, but we believe we aren’t training children to do anything – we’re teaching them a vital skill! Therefore, when we discuss our methods, we prefer to use the phrase: “teaching independent sleeping skills.” When done correctly, teaching your child independent sleeping skills creates healthy sleep habits that your child will use for a lifetime!

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