
Expert Knowledge

Sleep consultants have expert knowledge on early physical and emotional development that affects sleep.  They are able to establish a plan specifically for where your child is at in that development.  Every child is unique so it is important to access informed knowledge so that you aren’t wasting time trying everything you hear of or read about.  

Support For You and Your Child

Sleep consultants are there to help both you and your child through these transitions.  Sleep training can be draining, emotionally and physically for everyone involved.  You may be sleep deprived and then hearing your child cry or argue can really take a toll on you.  Having professional support can help both you and your child make it through this tough season as fast and peacefully as possible. Sleep consultants can help you make decisions on how to handle situations as they come up, help hold you accountable, and  reassure you when you are questioning things. 

They Create Personalized Plans

Your family deserves to have a routine that is specific to your needs.  Sleep consultants will take your child’s age, eating habits, environment and family schedule into consideration when developing advice.  It is important for sleep consultants to look at the family dynamics and lifestyle to establish a comprehensive and realistic plan.  

You don’t have to be at a breaking point to benefit from a sleep consultant.  You can have a newborn or you can have an older child, either way, we are here to help set you up for sleep success. We don’t want your family to suffer through sleepless nights at any point and will thoroughly consider your situation to give you advice that will deliver results.

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Hi! I'm Kandra

I am a mom of 2 incredibly sweet, active boys. I live in Denver, CO but help families all over the world since all my services are virtual. I have built a team of the world’s most talented sleep consultants, who also happen to be moms who have been exactly where you are. Exhausted, overwhelmed, ready for help. My struggles with my oldest son’s sleep drove me to where I am today. Coaching parents through the entire sleep training process with Gentle Sleep Solutions That Work™️️

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Hi! I'm Kandra

I am a mom of 2 incredibly sweet, active boys. I live in Denver, CO but help families all over the world since all my services are virtual. I have built a team of the world’s most talented sleep consultants, who also happen to be moms who have been exactly where you are. Exhausted, overwhelmed, ready for help. My struggles with my oldest son’s sleep drove me to where I am today. Coaching parents through the entire sleep training process with Gentle Sleep Solutions That Work™️️

Ready to get started?

Book a free, 15-minute consultation with one of our certified sleep consultants to start your little one’s sleep journey today.
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