
Put Thumb and Finger Sucking To A Rest

It’s an honor to be able to comfort your little one in a time of distress.  Most parents eventually get to a point though where they would like for their little one to start to learn how to self-soothe.  Different parents have different opinions on when and how this transition should take place.  Whatever works best for your family is great.  Self-soothing looks different for different little ones. For some it may be a stuffed animal or a lovey and others might turn to finger or thumb sucking.  

Thumb and finger sucking may seem innocent enough at first but it can turn into struggle. Sucking on thumbs or fingers can present a unique set of challenges in that they are with your child 24/7.  It can be hard to learn appropriate times and frequency to use them, extra exposure to germs, and the potential for dental issues if done long term.  

A lot of children grow out of the habit on their own. They may start to use different comfort items or they notice that other children aren’t doing it as they become more socially aware. The AAP recommends that parents try to end the habit by the time a child is 5, mainly to prevent oral issues as this is the age adult teeth tend to start to come in. 

Ideas to Curb The Habit

Positive Reinforcement

Who doesn’t like positive reinforcement?! When you see your child comforting themselves using any method other than thumb and finger sucking, cheer them on!  


This works best with older kids. Kids who are old enough to understand rewards will enjoy something like a sticker chart.  It can turn breaking the habit into a fun game. Stay patient through this process because kids often take part in this habit absentmindedly. 


You should work with your little one to try to find a replacement comfort item.  Ideally this would be something that can be offered only when truly needed.  Items like a stuffed animal or a lovey make great replacements because they will keep your little ones’ hands busy.  

Block the Access

You can try placing gloves or bandaids on the preferred digits. There are also items on the market that can help limit the access to their thumbs or fingers.  There are finger and thumb or elbow guards that you can order that are a little more preventative.  These work better on younger children whose fine motor skills are less developed. Once a child is older, they can remove these devices with little effort.  

Bad Tasting Stuff

You can try using bad tasting nail polish or hot sauce on the fingernails of toddlers and older kids.  This isn’t recommended for kids who frequently touch their eyes. This is one of the less effective methods but it does work for up to 10% of families who try it.  

Make New Rules

Set clear boundaries as to when and where it is acceptable for your child to suck on their thumb or fingers.  It can be a rule like “you can suck your thumb or fingers only in your bed.”  Once your little one starts decreasing the time spent doing the habit, it might naturally come to an end.

Breaking any habit takes time and perseverance.  Show your little one grace and plenty of encouragement.  If you notice your child is stressed or nervous, give them an extra hug and help comfort them.  This might decrease the urge for them to turn to the habit they are trying to break. 

 If you are not seeing the progress you would like, you are welcome to reach out for advice!

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Hi! I'm Kandra

I am a mom of 2 incredibly sweet, active boys. I live in Denver, CO but help families all over the world since all my services are virtual. I have built a team of the world’s most talented sleep consultants, who also happen to be moms who have been exactly where you are. Exhausted, overwhelmed, ready for help. My struggles with my oldest son’s sleep drove me to where I am today. Coaching parents through the entire sleep training process with Gentle Sleep Solutions That Work™️️

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Hi! I'm Kandra

I am a mom of 2 incredibly sweet, active boys. I live in Denver, CO but help families all over the world since all my services are virtual. I have built a team of the world’s most talented sleep consultants, who also happen to be moms who have been exactly where you are. Exhausted, overwhelmed, ready for help. My struggles with my oldest son’s sleep drove me to where I am today. Coaching parents through the entire sleep training process with Gentle Sleep Solutions That Work™️️

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