
How to get my child to stop waking up too early

Are early wake-ups before 6 AM leaving you feeling drained and desperate for more sleep? Waking up with the birds might sound idyllic, but for many parents, it means starting the day exhausted and fatigued. At Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby, we recognize the significance of quality sleep for both parents and children. In this blog, we’ll provide expert tips to help your child sleep in a little longer, granting you the restful mornings you crave.

  1. Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine: Consistency is paramount for healthy sleep habits. At Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby, we emphasize the importance of a soothing bedtime routine to signal to your child that it’s time to wind down. This routine could include activities like a warm bath, reading a book, or gentle cuddling.
  2. Adjust Bedtime Accordingly: Surprisingly, an earlier bedtime can sometimes result in later wake-up times. Experiment with your child’s bedtime to find the optimal window for achieving a full night of restful sleep. Track adjustments and observe how they impact wake-up times.
  3. Optimize Sleep Environment: Creating a sleep-conducive environment is vital for longer sleep durations. Ensure the bedroom is dark, quiet, and comfortable. Invest in blackout curtains to block out early morning light and consider using a white noise machine to mask disruptive sounds.
  4. Monitor Daily Nap Schedule: The timing and duration of daytime naps can influence morning wake-up times. Establish a consistent nap schedule and ensure naps aren’t too close to bedtime, which can interfere with nighttime sleep.
  5. Encourage Self-Soothing Techniques: Teach your child self-soothing skills to help them settle back to sleep independently if they wake up early. Introduce soothing techniques such as gentle music, a favorite stuffed animal, or a comforting lovey to aid in falling back asleep without your assistance.
  6. Gradually Adjust Wake-Up Time: For children consistently waking before 6 AM, consider gradually adjusting their wake-up time. Increase wake-up time by increments of 15-30 minutes, using gentle cues like opening curtains or playing soft music to signal the start of the day. Over time, their body clock may adapt to the new schedule.

A few extra minutes (or hours) of sleep in the morning can make a significant difference for both parents and children. With Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby’s expert guidance, implement these strategies to encourage later wake-up times and enjoy more restful mornings together. Say farewell to early wake-up calls and welcome peaceful, rejuvenating sleep for the whole family.

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Hi! I'm Kandra

I am a mom of 2 incredibly sweet, active boys. I live in Denver, CO but help families all over the world since all my services are virtual. I have built a team of the world’s most talented sleep consultants, who also happen to be moms who have been exactly where you are. Exhausted, overwhelmed, ready for help. My struggles with my oldest son’s sleep drove me to where I am today. Coaching parents through the entire sleep training process with Gentle Sleep Solutions That Work™️️

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Hi! I'm Kandra

I am a mom of 2 incredibly sweet, active boys. I live in Denver, CO but help families all over the world since all my services are virtual. I have built a team of the world’s most talented sleep consultants, who also happen to be moms who have been exactly where you are. Exhausted, overwhelmed, ready for help. My struggles with my oldest son’s sleep drove me to where I am today. Coaching parents through the entire sleep training process with Gentle Sleep Solutions That Work™️️

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