
Category: Sleep Tips

Kid in a wheat field in the summer

Summer Activities and Sleep Training

Ah, summer. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the kids are out of school. For busy parents, this can be a time of both excitement and dread. Excitement for all the fun summer activities you can do with your little ones, and dread for the inevitable sleep training that must take place.

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Malatonin and kids, child sleeping hugging bear

Let’s Talk About Melatonin

Every parent has heard another parent casually recommend giving melatonin to their child to help them fall asleep.  Some parents use it on a regular basis and others may have used it once for something like an airplane ride. For many parents, they wonder how safe it is to take melatonin since it is a natural product.  There are many factors that play into if melatonin is appropriate to introduce to a child.  

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Sleeping baby on hammock

What To Do When You Don’t Stick To Your Child’s Sleep Schedule

Getting your child on a sleep schedule is a process that includes a lot of effort and time. Parents are understandably defensive of sticking to the schedule that they have invested so much into creating.  Sometimes our plans for the day get derailed unexpectedly.  Other times, we go into days knowing we can’t stick to our schedule if we want to take part in plans we can’t control.  Once you have a solid foundation in place with your child sleeping, you can become more flexible.  You have to think about the long game with sleep training.  

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Night feedings

Night Feedings

Having a baby is exhausting in many ways.  Parents find themselves daydreaming about sleeping through the night pretty much starting the day their baby enters into the world.  

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Child and development

Sleep Regression in Relation to Developmental Growth

There isn’t a single parent in the world whose baby hasn’t experienced sleep regression.  We all know a parent (or have been the parent) who has desperately turned to google to try to figure out why it is happening, when will it end and when to anticipate it being an issue again.  Let’s dive into

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Dad with child reading book

Is Your Baby Truly Falling Asleep On Their Own?

When talking to new clients, we ask questions about their current nap and bedtime experiences.  The insight we gain from these conversations helps us know what practices need to be addressed and implemented. There is one situation that seems to be very common, the drowsy but not asleep child.  Parents often think they are putting

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Parents with baby

Working With Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby Might NOT Be Right For You

Whatever your parenting style may look like, the term “sleep training” can be intimidating.  For some, they imagine babies crying in a dark room all alone and what parent likes the thought of that. Our goal at RMSB is to help you guide your children into a peaceful bedtime and healthy sleeping routines. You may not be ready to work with a sleep consultant and that is completely ok.  Let us help you figure out if you’re ready or not!

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Sleeping child

A Rested Family is a Thriving Family

We know how hard it is for parents to get their kids to sleep and how wonderful it is when they finally do! We’ve helped thousands of families, just like yours, get their kids sleeping well. We believe that sleep is your family’s most valuable resource – so work with us and improve the quality

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