
Category: Baby Sleep

Night Terrors: Is There a Monster Under My bed?

Night Terrors: Is There a Monster Under My bed?

As our children become toddlers, they also become adjusted to their environment, and how their space becomes their own. Ownership over space can build confidence and responsibility, however, it can also start abstract thinking. Abstract thinking is when your toddler begins to mimic actions, use symbols to visualize an action, or mime an action when

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Traveling with kids

Traveling with Tots; Jet Lag

Traveling itself can be a feat as it is. Adding a baby, or toddler, or one of each to the mix, brings it to an entirely new level. Before you embark on this adventure, our certified sleep experts at Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby have compiled our best tips for traveling with babies and toddlers. Learning

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Baby standing in crib - Cribs; The Safety Edition

Cribs; The Safety Edition

Let’s talk about the history of the crib for a moment. “High-sided” or “Infant-beds” were first invented in 1620 to keep a baby contained in a small space. The crib, as it became known, was first made from a hollowed-out tree trunk or log.   Through the years, improvements were made such as adding a sidewall

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Baby sleeping in crib

Roommates; Cohabitating with your Little One

Sharing your room with your little, aka room-share one can happen for a variety of reasons. You may not have enough space to create a bedroom for them, or you may have an older sibling who is distracted by the baby, or you may just want to bond with your baby. The American Academy of

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toddler sleeping toes under covers

Helpful Tips to Improve Babies’ Sleep

As we gear up toward spring and summer, we know that with warmer weather we also welcome a busier schedule. For our babies and toddlers, it is a wonderful opportunity to get them outside to play at a park, swim at the local pool, go on picnics, go to the zoo, and many more fun

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Cute baby feed in a crib

Bedtime Routines for Baby

If you are a new parent, there is so much to learn. Advice is coming your way by well-meaning friends and family, and it can be a little overwhelming. If you are awaiting the arrival of your little one, you have come to the right place! Our certified sleep experts at Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby

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Sleeping toddler

Sleeping During the Day: How much is too much?

At Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby, you probably guessed from our name, we are all about sleep! Specifically, helping you and your child develop a routine from the start that will carry them through the years creating a healthy and balanced sleeping routine that focuses on the right amount of sleep, in the right environment, without

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Sleeping toddler

Daylight Savings and Sleep Schedules

Along with trying to remember how to set your oven and car clocks back an hour, we also have to deal with not only our disrupted schedules but our little ones who finally are on a good sleep cycle and sleeping soundly through the night.  Everyone should get a big pardon the week that we

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Baby Sleep Sacks

Are Sleep Sacks Necessary?

Wearable blankets, and sleep sacks; both comforting options for your baby. How do you know which one is right for you? Our certified sleep experts have broken down these products to help you gain insight on what might be right for your child.  So…what exactly are they!? If you are picturing your baby all snuggled

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