

Certified Sleep Consultant

Colorado Sleep Consultant

Hi - .

I often asked myself if I would ever sleep again or if I would ever feel like myself again; two things a new mom might be surprised to be asking herself.

I had a unique journey through the newborn stages with both of my children, and once I started on the path of teaching them to sleep, I finally felt like this was something I could handle. It was then I realized when my children slept, I had a glimpse into this new life; a life that provided an overall balance for my family. I could still have quality time with my husband and be a working mom, but still participate in gatherings with friends and family!!

Ultimately, once my children slept, I slept, which made me a better parent!





Postpartum Anxiety and Depression were all-encompassing after both my children were born and I thought asking for help made me a bad mom.

I couldn’t understand why I would cry a lot, or at times felt so “unpresent” in my own life. Why was being a mom bringing me to a place of failure and questioning every decision I was trying to make for my child? Once I discovered how sleep could affect my child’s overall health and general disposition, I was able to find the time to concentrate on what was needed for me to heal.

Maggie 7
Maggie 2
I am here to serve as a resource, a guide, and a lifeline. I never want parents to think this or any other phase of life needs to be done alone.

Raising children can take a village and sometimes all we need as parents is helpful information, someone to simply talk to, and a little boost in
confidence. After everything I’ve been through, I am the last person to judge a parent or family for decisions they’ve made. We will work together to find solutions by thinking outside the box to help discover the best approach and tools that will specifically work for you as a parent.

decision to allow me to come alongside your journey is an investment in your child’s life that will continue to build on the lessons they will learn and develop in the future. It’s my sincere hope and desire for you to feel and know you can be the parent and/or parents you were meant to be!

Let's Work .

Book a free, 15-minute consultation call with me today! During this free call, we’ll discuss your child’s specific situation and what I can do to help your family achieve peace and balance.
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