
Month: June 2024

two children on a bed

How to Set Up a Room Share Situation for Your Child on Vacation

Vacation is a time for relaxation and fun, but for parents, the logistics of sleep can be a significant concern, especially when your child is accustomed to having their own room. Setting up a room share situation during vacation can be challenging, but with some thoughtful planning, it can become a positive experience for everyone involved. Here are some tips on how to make room sharing work smoothly and ensure your child gets the rest they need.

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baby on parents shoulders in front of lake and mountains

The Ultimate Guide to Baby-Family Adventures: The Art of Sleeping On The Go

Traveling with your baby opens up a world of new experiences and cherished memories. Whether you’re exploring bustling cities, serene beaches, or scenic countryside, ensuring your little one gets quality sleep on the go is essential for a successful adventure. At Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby, we specialize in pediatric sleep consulting, and we’re here to help you master the art of traveling with a well-rested baby. Here’s everything you need to know to keep your baby snoozing soundly while on the move.

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child jumping in puddle

How to Get the Zoomies Out: A Parent’s Guide to Bedtime Bliss

Parents, we’ve all been there. It’s 7 PM, and your child suddenly transforms into a high-speed whirlwind of energy, zipping around the house like a caffeinated squirrel. Yes, the zoomies have struck! At Rocky Mountain Sleeping Baby, we know that bedtime can be a challenge when your little one has a surplus of energy. Fear not! We’ve got some hilarious and effective ways to help your kids get their zoomies out before bedtime, ensuring they’re ready to hit the hay (and not the walls) when the time comes.

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